Thursday, May 3, 2012


I said that I would try to keep up with this, especially since I could do it by phone. My laptop access is somewhat limited.

...and then my phone decides not to play nice with other apps and sites and such. Most of what I do involves pictures and that just wasn't happening...:(

Giving this another try...

Today is Thursday, May 3, and I  finally could procrastinate no more---I got an allergy test. I don't have an issue with needles but the horror stories of jabbing 100 needles into your back...nope, I wasn't having it.

Then, I ended up in the ER last week after a reaction to who knows what while at work. Of course, this would be the day I had no Benadryl, no Epi-Pen, nothing!

Let me now become the cheerleader for allergy testing--it involved pressing little plastic spidery sort of things onto my back (no needles!) and then the few things that they wanted to be extra sure about, those were about 8 tiny needles just under the skin on the arm. Big freakin' deal, crybaby!

Yep, so apparently I'm allergic to grasses, weeds, trees, dust, and cats. That last one bums me out. I love cats and until about 5 years ago I've always had cats around and never had a problem. I want a Savannah or a Bengal but I guess that's not happening now. Maybe a nice Sphinx? We'll see....

Anyway, that's my day so far.....wheeeeeee

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, 'nother chance to get going!

yeah, so I don't really do resolutions. I think any day could be a good day to start or try something new. I have an idea that I've been trying to work out as far as photography/business/passion/creativity/removing myself from rut of a blah workplace...but the perfectionist keeps creeping in. I *will* shut her up this year. Better late than never. Today is a new day. No time like the present. You know the drill so let's go!

Friday, December 10, 2010

bah!...but not humbug!

just disappointed in me that I am not making time to keep this blog up. i promise me that i'll do better!

got things to do and places to go before i have to get to work today but here's this:

i love this band and this picture makes me laugh!
'kay, need more coffee!


Friday, November 19, 2010

catching up

sunday 10/31/10:
can i just say it now? i_love_hallowe'en!
can i also say that i love j & k's creativity? i go for the witch--always have, always will--and i guess it's easy for me since i have several years' worth of accessories, costumes, makeup, etc. for it but j & there's something special! i guess since i have so much hallowe'en stuff, it leaves things wide open for them to really get into it. on the night of, and actually pretty much as their friends were on the way to whisk them away to their various planned activities, they came up with this:

she is a "cat burglar"--ears and tail attached

the boy? i wasn't sure that he was going to do anything but play xbox but he got himself together and did this:

this is apparently "just a cool guy"...with a tie, headphones, whiskers, and blue and orange hair

so that left me at home to man the fog machine and the cauldronful of candy/popcorn/play-doh...

the glowing tombstones were pretty killer, i must admit. did i mention how much i love hallowe'en?

thursday 11/4/10:
i took j & k to border's uptown (dallas) to meet kat von d at her book-signing. after much traffic and a long (and ridiculously "managed") line we got our chance to meet her, say hi, get our book signed, and get a photo taken. though this is based on the 30 seconds that we had with her, she is the sweetest, most down-to-earth person and it was a pleasure to have the chance to meet the girl!

i follow her on twitter so i had a heads up that she would be joined by a couple of buddies, jeff ward   and  mike escamilla

super-nice guys and it was great meeting them and getting their autographs as well.
(side note for my girl, patsy--"rooftop" played a bad guy in "paul blart : mall cop")
got home pretty late and could see some sort of tube on the front porch in the dark...

friday 11/5/10
got up and started getting things ready for our day. checked on tube that was still out on front porch
SCORE! tube contained a travel channel's man v. food poster signed by adam richman

love that guy!

tuesday 11/9/10:
my interview was going fabulously, i thought, up until the point toward the end when one of the guys kept telling me not to be nervous and not to worry and not to be nervous and not to worry...over and over!  i thought i was doing pretty great and then started worrying and getting nervous. those little voices started arguing in my head-"he's saying that because you're obviously nervous", "...and you look worried!"...and that *truth* thing----gah! i could have maybe faked my way through some answers for sure but i just couldn't make myself say that, "yes, i build circuit boards, drive forklifts and use voltage meters---every day i do these things" just sounded dumb...silently analyzing all of this in front of this interview panel made me nervous...and worried. we'll see how this averages my overall score out, possibly late december, maybe january sometime...

thursday 11/11/10:
happy veterans day!
went to the program at the middle school
and then a cold front blew in and i found this scene to be pretty impressive, rainbows and all!

going to try to do better about keeping up with keeps getting in the way of my fun!
